Ratna Lingpa's Stake


Ratna Lingpa's Stake

"Essence of Activity's Play": the daily practice and collective revolution of Ratna Lingpa's Adamant Stake as arranged by Jamgon Kongtrul Lodro Thaye (1813-1899); plus supplementary verses and prayers!
Dakini Word


Dakini Word

Collected transcreations of Buddhist odes, prayers and offerings of the primordial wisdom ḍākiṇīs, angels of the enlightened feminine principle..
Prayers and Aspirations


Prayers and Aspirations

Indo-Tibetan Buddhist prayers in English verse and prose mnemonics for special occasions and daily practice. Recite these by heart to promote auspiciousness and accomplish all aims.
Praise the Goddess, Liberatrix


Praise the Goddess, Liberatrix

21 Homages, Praise to Tārā and its Benefits PLUS Lord Atisha's Condensed Praise and Verses of Dedication
Sublime Offerings


Sublime Offerings

Outer, Inner, and Secret Prayers and Offerings of the Indo-Tibetan Buddhist Tradition
Prayers and Provenances of Guru Rinpoche


Prayers and Provenances of Guru Rinpoche

A variety of prayers for resounding and contemplation in the realm of Padmasambhava, the Lotus Born Guru of Oḍḍiyan. Also known as Guru Rinpoche, Padma is the buddha of our age.
Bodhisattva Vow Ceremony


Bodhisattva Vow Ceremony

A collection of Scripture and Treatise: "The Bodhisattva Vow Ceremony" consists of the "7 Branch Prayer" for the accumulation of merit, the actual vow of spiritual heroes, verses of rejoicing, and the arising of perfectly pure moral conduct.
Alphacrostics of Gendun Chophel


Alphacrostics of Gendun Chophel

Particularly irreligious poems by the Tibetan monk, Gendun Chophel (CE 1903-1951), in for form of the classical "alphacrostic." Transcreated to our English ABCs by StevenRAJ..
The Liberation of Scholar Prince, Earnest Priest


The Liberation of Scholar Prince, Earnest Priest

The Liberation of Scholar Prince Earnest Priest, an hagiography of Gendun Chophel of Tibet (1904-1951) by Gnostic Ocean (1905-1975). Priest's life and liberation is detailed including direct quotes from his own vernacular. Headings and scholarly notes are included by the translator, StevenRAJ.
The Great Elephant: A Treatise on Valid Cognition


The Great Elephant: A Treatise on Valid Cognition

Tibetan Modernist Gendun Chophel's treatise on the Buddhist concept of valid cognition as championed by Master Dignāga; this treatise serves as an introduction to the author's even deeper and maddening musings on Middle Way metaphysics. Translated by StevenRAJ.
Treatise on Himalaya


Treatise on Himalaya

Gendun Chophel's scholarly treatise on the Land of Snows featuring the Tibetan snow lion; replete with wit and scriptural citation. Translated and notated by StevenRAJ.
The Stupas of Crestone


The Stupas of Crestone

Come visit the stupas of Crestone/Baca Grande, in southern Colorado, USA. It's a destination for Buddhist pilgrimage and greater spiritual awakening. A great high mountain adventure is here!
Words of Truth


Words of Truth

The Essence of Correlative Arising: The Mantra and its Provenance, and how to spell; plus a free PDF of Lama Tsongkhapa's "Excellent Praise."
What is Haiku (& How to Write It!)


What is Haiku (& How to Write It!)

Learn for ourselves the foundations and wondrous applications of pop haiku. From Japanese Zen to the Kerouacian pop, learn the principles of haiku (and try it out, too!).
Modes of Transcreation: Commercial to Sublime


Modes of Transcreation: Commercial to Sublime

A literary assessment and pop phenomenology on the discipline of "transcreation." A broad overview of the emerging field with an emphasis in sacred and ecstatic literary transcration.
Shape of the Buddhafield: Level or Globe?


Shape of the Buddhafield: Level or Globe?

Indo-Tibetan perspectives on the shape and characteristic of the buddhafield including in-depth source-text translations and references.