The Liberation of Scholar Prince, Earnest Priest

The Liberation of Scholar Prince, Earnest Priest

The Liberation of Scholar Prince Earnest Priest, an hagiography of Gendun Chophel of Tibet (1904-1951) by Gnostic Ocean (1905-1975). Priest's life and liberation is detailed including direct quotes from his own vernacular. Headings and scholarly notes are included by the translator, StevenRAJ.
The Lot of Tibetans of Yore

The Lot of Tibetans of Yore

Translation of Gendun Chophel's modern and interdisciplinary essay on Tibetan culture: an anthropology of their folk traditions. This article features an astonishing variety of examples of old Tibet phenomenologically related to the present. The author's contemplative and poetic asides complete the text.
Shape of the Buddhafield: Level or Globe?

Shape of the Buddhafield: Level or Globe?

Indo-Tibetan perspectives on the shape and characteristic of the buddhafield including in-depth source-text translations and references.