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Alphacrostics of Gendun Chophel


Alphacrostics of Gendun Chophel

Particularly irreligious poems by the Tibetan monk, Gendun Chophel (CE 1903-1951), in for form of the classical "alphacrostic." Transcreated to our English ABCs by StevenRAJ..
Feast Menus


Feast Menus

Tantric feasts, plus weddings and more!
Totem & Snafu


Totem & Snafu

Each poem of the collection is an image of liminality between sacred and profane; vessel and contents. These "love" poems are sometimes peaceful, and sometimes fierce; ironic and uncanny. Compositional styles include the classical ode, blues, rock, free-form, pithy, and prosaic.
Haiku "Pops"


Haiku "Pops"

Spontaneous three-liners in the tradition of zen and beat poetries
Bodhi Leaf Haibun


Bodhi Leaf Haibun

Prosimetric stories that pop along the way.
The Liberation of Scholar Prince, Earnest Priest


The Liberation of Scholar Prince, Earnest Priest

The Liberation of Scholar Prince Earnest Priest, an hagiography of Gendun Chophel of Tibet (1904-1951) by Gnostic Ocean (1905-1975). Priest's life and liberation is detailed including direct quotes from his own vernacular. Headings and scholarly notes are included by the translator, StevenRAJ.
What is Haiku (& How to Write It!)


What is Haiku (& How to Write It!)

Learn for ourselves the foundations and wondrous applications of pop haiku. From Japanese Zen to the Kerouacian pop, learn the principles of haiku (and try it out, too!).
Modes of Transcreation: Commercial to Sublime


Modes of Transcreation: Commercial to Sublime

A literary assessment and pop phenomenology on the discipline of "transcreation." A broad overview of the emerging field with an emphasis in sacred and ecstatic literary transcration.
How to Write Haibun


How to Write Haibun

This article can be used as a source for an ocean of haibun, an accessible and traditional literary form. Engage the prompt at the end of the article and write haibun to your heart's content.