
Dakini Word

Collected transcreations of Buddhist odes, prayers and offerings of the primordial wisdom ḍākiṇīs, angels of the enlightened feminine principle..
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Dakini Word

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Homage to Kurukullā

A Tibetan prayer flag of Kurukullā/Rigjed Ma/Dame Witch

All victors' gnosis, compassionate spring
Bliss-emptiness breaks as Goddess of Charms
Ravishes, her body magnetizes
Three realms, all lives and souls— salute the ḍākini!

Roust from the Sleep of Ignorance

Oh dear! Alas! Child of noble line
Don't be pressed by pow'r of ignorance
Show your dil'gent mettle, now arise
For time immemorial up to now
You've long been lying asleep, enough!

Lie no more—with three gates' virtue strive
Born-old-sick-dead's suff'ring's not cognized?
Not a moment of this day can stay
The time has come to practice, arise!

Aim today for lasting happiness
It's not to wallow in laziness

Life goes unfulfilled—death's terms replete
If one's not attained, solely assured
Then what's the point? Squandered is your life!

Ten types of illusion you should know:
Magic, mirage, dream, and mirror
Ghost towns and echoes are likened too
Water moon, bubbles, optics, and soul
Phenomena thus are selfless, void
Know it's like that both here and beyond!

Thus their proclamation that pierces the veil is whistled in tones and drones. When they they fade away into the sky, think, "In remembrance of thusness, truth: we've energized our own awares and glorified we now arise!'
From ཐུགས་སྒྲུབ།

The Kusali's Secret Wake

From the Heart Repository of Sky Dharma, A Profound Cycle of the Hearing Lineage: The Body Offering, Condensed in Order of Observance


Vajra Sow (Vajravārāhī) from the Sky Dharma tsakli cards

NAMO! My conscious-awareness is
PhAṬ! Emitted up, out my crown
PhAṬ! Become bean-size Vajra Sow
PhAṬ! Then expanded, finger-size
PhAṬ! Then expanded, cubit-height
PhAṬ! Heaven, earth, full Vajra Sow
Right hand hook-knife, on your mark
Cleave our corpse's head, and then
Placing corpse-head to the right
Hook-knife – corpse-head – on your mark
Scalp do flay and bhandha make
Within that our stuff is placed
Right-hand hook-knife, on your mark
Become five meats, five amrits
PhAṬ! PhAṬ! From our heart-center
Vajra Sows, just like ourself
Countless—rights wield jew'ld ladle
Lefts hold bhandha—are emit
Offer to the gurus, gods
PhAṬ! Offer to ḍākinīs, guards
PhAṬ! Offer to all world guards
PhAṬ! Offer to all nonhumans
PhAṬ! Offer to six types, all souls
PhAṬ! 'Specially karmic creditors
Off'rings to all harmdoers, done
PhAṬ! Having made this off'ring, gift
Gurus and the gods are pleased
Ḍākinis, dharma/world-guards
All heart pledges be restored
Souls of six types, satisfied
Karmic debts also being purged
Harmdoers' wishes be sated
PhAṬ! PhAṬ! PhAṬ!*

Guests go back their places, VAJRA MU
Myself, guests, off'rings are unobserved
Way, nature, purity, completion
One-another's virtue's proven so

*Tulku Mingyur Dorje was thirteen in Year Cock, Month Puṣya when, on the tenth day of its waning, red phase, Sow, Lady of Two Faces, clearly appeared and spake this text.
Namchö Daily Practice

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